

Ouwens Lawyers are legal practitioners and registered migration agents and the firm is well positioned to provide comprehensive visa, migration and citizenship advice and guidance.

Ouwens Lawyers have assisted many clients with their business visa applications as well as assisting businesses in securing working visas for their personnel. The firm has also assisted many skilled workers and families in their migration to Australia.

We will assist in the preparation of all applications and other supporting documents required by the Department of Home Affairs.

We offer:

  • Personal consultations
  • Professional advice based on current visa/immigration law
  • Assessment of your eligibility to apply for different types of visas
  • Assistance with visa or citizenship applications
  • Processing and submitting your application
  • Provision of updates regarding your application process
  • Assurance that we will only accept clients who have a reasonable prospect of meeting all the visa/migration eligibility criteria and thus to the best of our knowledge will be successful in their applications
  • Assistance with review and appeal applications including attending at tribunal hearings and courts

Contact Us

Contact us today to see how we can help with your legal or migration services.

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